Mike Holyoak, Charman
Mike Duncan, Vice Chair
Rani Derasary
Trisha Hedin
Luke Wojciechowski
Ben Musselman, Agency Manager - No Vote
Three appointed by Grand County Council (Gary, Trisha, and Rick); one appointed by SVWSID (Mike Holyoak); and one appointed by Moab City Council (Rani Derasary). All are for four-year terms, except if membership changes on the Improvement District, necessitating a new appointment; that person fills the remainder of the four-year term (i.e. not a new four-year term from when the current appointee is seated.)
Grand Water & Sewer Service Agency
Term Expires 1/1/2027
Term Expires 12/31/2027
Term Expires 12/31/2027
Grand County
Moab City